
Light Ambassadors

Ajna Light owners can help their friends who want to buy an Ajna Light. This is the organic way in which the Ajna Light community grows. There is no marketing or advertising of the Ajna Light and PyraLight products. You are welcome to join the Ajna Light Community Facebook group to stay in touch!

Were you introduced to the light by a Light Ambassador, or through a video you saw? If so, please enter the name of the person who helped you, or the name of the person in the video, before buying. Otherwise please enter “None”. The Ambassador will help you get started once your Light arrives. You will also be given support by Pratika. Please contact him for sales and technical support.

Commissions for selling Lights:

$333 commission if you sell an Ajna Light 3 (not for bulk purchases)
$444 commission if you sell an Ajna Light Bundle (not for bulk purchases)

Commissions for training new Light Owners (if you are a qualified Light owner and feel confident to train, typically after 1 month of using your light):

$222 training commission if you sell an Ajna Light 3 or Ajna Light Bundle